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Fissel Family Blog

august far

hey there, everybody!

alright, ive done my job updating im ready to see niagra pictures!

it was so good to talk to you on the phone, jeanna. we miss you guys so much and cant wait to see you in october! thanks SO MUCH for heading up the ticket thing, that means so much to us right now.

mikey and i ran out of minutes until august 12th so its been funny trying to figure out who has verizon and who doesnt so we dont go too badly over. i guess i have to chalk it up to me being home all day every day and receiving so many calls from family and such. ive had to tone it down these last few days, but its been nice not feeling obligated to pick up the phone. i knitted most of the day yesterday, as i have been conscripted to make four steelers hats for mikey, me and two of our friends from pittsburgh. ive almost finished my second one! we'll post pictures of them as soon as they are done!

mikey and i contemplated the possibility of me brining knitting needles on the plane in my bag. i dont want to risk losing my needles, but we both arent sure how ill survive without my knitting for a weekend :). planning on being very busy hanging out with you guys!

i start school august 11th--that's monday. its hard to believe that its already here! im not quite anxious about it yet, as i have workdays all this next week. it'll be the 18th-22nd that gets me all tied up in a knot. i always get nervous meeting new students and starting a new year. this year WILL be different, though. this is the first year that im returning to the school i was at the year before. im hoping that without having to meet a new administration, learn a new system of rules, grading and other policies, and meet a new staff, the start of the school year will be much smoother than it ever has been. not to mention that i saved all my lesson plans from last year, so i shouldnt have to start from scratch on much of anything this year! over all, im getting excited about monday, but i know its going to be hard to adjust to that schedule again. this was my first summer that i ever really took off and didnt work a stitch. *sigh*, what bliss.

im prepping mikey for baby-holding duty when we get down to texas! last night we babysat for some friends of ours who have a little baby--not even a year old! he fell asleep while mikey held him. i sensed that brennan (the baby) was as comfortable as i am when i snuggle up to mikey at night. i have some pictures on my phone to prove this event.

well, this is my last day of freedom so im going to go figure out what to do with it! we are going to charlotte tonight to spend the night with some friends before going to a wedding tomorrow at 2pm. maybe we'll have more pictures from that party!

laura (and mikey, im sure)

posted by Laura Fissel Friday, August 8, 2008 @ 5:25 AM


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