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listening to mikey on the phone with grandma...
Hey there! Mikey has talked to both Mike and Jeanna, I think, since I have and, although I get the information, I still feel a little out of the "inner circle" :P. Just kidding. Jeanna, your ring is GORGEOUS, and your beautiful hand just enhances its effulgence. I am so sad about y'all's vacation and hope that you are already starting to plan it for another time!
Mikey is on the phone with grandma, remoting into her computer because she "screwed up her e-mail," and I am messing around before I fall into bed. This weekend has been really busy and I find myself exhausted tonight. A woman, who I am in small group with (a group of women who get together to talk once a week), was having an open-house today as she and her family are selling their BEAUTIFUL HOME (which I really want to buy but is waaaay out of our price range). I helped her clean yesterday and today, along with going to church, hosting small group and attending open-house. I haven't had too much of a chance just to be quiet and the introverted part of my personality is dying for it.
Things are pretty normal here. I started physical therapy about two weeks ago after a long time of visiting doctors and having tests done about a pain in my left thigh. They have diagnosed it as starting in my back and have me doing exercises that seem to be working. I've had this pain for a year so it's been really encouraging to do some little exercises and already see the pain moving out of my leg...the only thing is that it's moving to my back (my PTherapist says that's a "good thing" because it's going back "where it started") and I'm going to have to work pretty regularly to get rid of it entirely. I am hoping it doesn't take very long so I can get back to normal....actually, it will be BETTER than normal because I won't be living with this frustrating, constant pain!
I have 4 weeks of school left and I'm counting down the days! RIGHT after school is out, we'll be going to the beach for a week with my family--which I'm really excited about--and then my summer is unaccounted for for the most part. I think I'll be doing some workshops for teacher renewal credit and, hopefully, attending a free Holocaust workshop in DC for a few days (I have yet to hear my acceptance to the program). I usually work during the summer but I'm hoping that this summer can be more chill than last.
We need to find a place to live...a house we want to get out of this apartment. Things are shaping up to be quite interesting, however, because we are considering a new prospect for Mikey. They are pretty definitely going to make his position a part-time with benefits at the City of Greensboro and are going to offer it to him when he graduates. This would give him health insurance, hopefully a bigger paycheck, and at least one day off a week to really invest some time into students through the college ministry. This is a scary thing because of the prospective sacrifices we would have to make (instead of thinking about Mikey getting a full-time job and the money that would come with that), but I know that Mikey loves encouraging and listening to people, especially young people, and I have come to realize that the majority of myself is willing to make sacrifices to allow him to do that. I have been thinking a lot lately about how "safe" it seems to dream about the big paying jobs, the big house, nice cars and state-of-the-art stuff, but I know that those things aren't the source of happiness. I want to seek out a lifestyle that is built on truly lasting, truly valuable things, even if it means living..."smaller" lives...Anyway, it will be an adventure and we'll see how it goes! I am excited to see what is before us in the years to come.
Well, I hadn't imagined that this would be so long. I am sooooo tired and my wrists are hurting from tapping away. We love you guys and hope, especially, that you have a fantastic Mother's day, Jeanna. You are ONE AMAZING MOTHER :).
love love love, Laura (and Mikey)
posted by Laura Fissel Sunday, May 4, 2008 @ 7:57 PM
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