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Oh, I am so jealous of Pop! I want to be drinking coffee with you both at 5 a.m.!!!
I need a vacation!!! We were out of school on Wednesday (Halloween) and then Thursday and Friday, but Wednesday was a workday/"conference" day and then Thursday and Friday, we were at a convention all day that the school paid for us to go to. Workdays are always nice, but I had about four parent meetings and they took up a lot of my time, so I didn't nearly get enough done. Then, that night I had to go to the conference early for a three-hour class, so it ended up being a really full day instead of a relaxing day. Likewise, the conference was great (it got me really excited about Christian education and about teaching English specifically) but it wasn't being at home resting, reading, I still need a vacation. We haven't had a single day, yet, where we haven't had to be at school, and we won't have one until Thanksgiving break.
Well, in the spirit of having a sort of "fresh start," I am going to do a self-created, self-imposed "system clean" over the next ten days and only drink water and eat fruits and vegetables. I am hoping that this will also force me to discover the good things about vegetables and learn some new ways to cook and eat them so that I can incorporate them into our diet. I think my body is just a little bit tired (and by "little bit," I mean "A LOT") of eating lots of white bread, macaroni and cheese, beanie-weenies and...well, starch, cheese, starch and more cheese. This all means that Mikey will have to make himself dinner every night (since he won't be eating the same thing as me). A friend of mine at school said that I should warn my students Monday morning so that they know to always do their homework and to sit quietly and behave nicely, or else....indeed, I think it is going to be very difficult for the first few days, at least. I mean, it's essentially a detox.
I am on a reading kick here. I have read about four books in the past month and am starting a friend-recommended 1000 pager. It's been so nice to get back into it. I had been getting sucked into watching TV and playing Warcraft and didn't realize how much I'd missed it. If you have any book recommendations, pass them along!!
That's it--I want to hear the full story of this rabies thing, but take your time with Pop there. I am VERY GLAD to hear that it's not serious and you're not having to get treatments, Jeanna. Love you guys,
posted by Laura Fissel Saturday, November 3, 2007 @ 6:32 AM
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